[tahoe-dev] pubgrid introducer down?

David Triendl david at triendl.name
Tue Mar 8 13:48:36 PST 2011

Hello Greg,

I moved it to a different server. I figured it would only take a few minutes to
transfer all the data (about 4 GB), but since the storage node had lots of
(often empty) directories and files the rsync took forever. If I had known this
before I would have done an initial sync before stopping tahoe to speed up the
transfer and minimize downtime.

> Plus, it seems to be v6 accessible, which bodes well for when twisted
> gets v6 support (it's hard to understand why that hasn't happened yet).
It has been for a while now. Both the old and the new location had native IPv6
and I published AAAA records. Since Twisted lacks IPv6 support Tahoe-LAFS
ignores them and only uses IPv4, but the web gateway supports IPv6 just fine
thanks to being behind a reverse proxy. Rumor has it that some government
censorship softwares leave IPv6 traffic alone ;-)

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