Custom Query (11 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Owner Type Priority
#953 test and support the dependency on pycrypto packaging 1.9.0 terrell defect major
#1345 remove Makefile targets relating to ' check_auto_deps' which no longer exists packaging 1.9.0 warner defect major
#1383 foolscap 0.6.1 has no such extra feature 'secure_connections' packaging 1.9.0 charlesnw defect major
#1389 tahoe import machinery hides details of import errors packaging 1.9.0 zooko defect major
#1435 incompatibility between zope.interface 3.6.3/3.6.4 and Nevow 0.10 packaging 1.9.0 zooko defect major
#1438 update the dependency on Twisted to >= 10.1 packaging 1.9.0 zooko defect major
#1542 release 1.9.0 packaging 1.9.0 somebody defect major
#1344 'make check' should run tests packaging 1.9.0 zooko defect minor
#1347 bin/tahoe.pyscript doesn't need to be executable packaging 1.9.0 warner defect minor
#1454 remove misc/debian or sync it from Debian packaging 1.9.0 warner defect minor

Resolution: duplicate (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Owner Type Priority
#1424 remove misc/debian ? or sync it with the Debian project's version packaging 1.9.0 somebody defect minor
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