[tahoe-dev] pycryptopp update Re: started on pycryptopp

zooko zooko at zooko.com
Thu Nov 1 16:06:06 PDT 2007

> It builds and passes unit tests on: Mac OS 10.4/Intel, Ubuntu dapper,
> Windows XP/Cygwin.
> It builds and then raises an exception on Nexenta GNU/OpenSolaris.
> It builds and then dies on Windows XP/Native (built with Cygwin  
> tools).

Oh good, the problem on Nexenta went away when I recompiled the Crypto 
++ library instead of using the one that was compiled by Nexenta.

I'll report that to the Nexenta folks.

The problem on Windows XP/Native is outstanding.  It could well be a  
problem in compiling and linking against Python.exe (which was built  
with Microsoft Visual Studio 2003) with gcc.

More later.



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