[tahoe-dev] please help: test this README (and get a free movie!)

zooko zooko at zooko.com
Sat Sep 29 13:55:10 PDT 2007


I think the README [1] is pretty well-organized (if I do say so  
myself), but there's no substitute for real user testing -- getting  
someone who is previously unfamiliar with installing Tahoe and asking  
them to start with the README and see how far they get unaided.

Recently a couple of people -- Nathan Wilcox and Darius Bacon -- went  
through the README, and they both got tripped up by the manual  
dependencies -- the dependencies that are not automatically satisfied  
by setuptools.

So here is something that you can do to help.  If you are not already  
an expert at installing Tahoe, then try following the instructions in  
the README, and reply to this message and tell us about anything that  
is wrong or confusing.

If you *are* already an expert at installing Tahoe, then please find  
a friend who isn't, and watch them as they try to install it.  :-)

I have a movie of two adorable children, one of whom is doing his  
homework which is to read a "Magic Treehouse" book aloud.  Maybe I'll  
upload it to the public test grid...



[1] http://allmydata.org/trac/tahoe/browser/README

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