[tahoe-dev] faster reactors and tests of upscaling (was: Multiple introducers)

zooko zooko at zooko.com
Mon Apr 14 22:18:22 PDT 2008

On Apr 14, 2008, at 10:33 PM, Chris Goffinet wrote:
> as you start
> having > 100 connections, I know your using Twisted framework, any
> thoughts on using epoll reactor if its not used when you start having
> higher load?

Yeah, well I haven't thought too much about it.  I like the modern  
Twisted development practice -- the Ultimate Quality Development  
System.  It gives me a nice warm fuzzy feeling that if we ever get  
around to needing a reactor like epoll, the version in twisted at  
that time will not be buggier than the one in twisted now.

The best way for Tahoe to scale up to more than 100 connections per  
node is for us to implement automated tests which exercise the system  
under those conditions and report measurements of the results.

However we may shortly see the results of some less rigorous, more ad- 
hoc tests due to allmydata.com rolling out the 3.0 service to more  
and more customers.



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