[tahoe-dev] mail archive freakiness (was: some questions, oh and hi :))

zooko zooko at zooko.com
Tue Jan 8 15:35:12 PST 2008

P.S.  This is disturbing.  Our mail archive has a truncated version  
of your post.  Where you attempting some sort of buffer overflow with  
this post or something?




P.S.  Just kidding about the buffer overflow.  I know you wouldn't  
subvert our servers, and if you did, you would only use them for good.

P.P.S.  Here is your post as I saw it in e-mail.  Notice that it is  
much longer than your post as displayed by our mail archive.

On Jan 8, 2008, at 1:37 PM, Joshua Teitelbaum wrote:

> First and foremost, hi all.
> I'm very interested in learning about allmydata.org and the storage  
> mechanisms offered.
> So far, I've read architecture.txt and have a few questions.
> It takes me a bit to internalize stuff so forgive me if my queries  
> are newbish or uh-doi in nature. :)
> Also, of note, I have no experience with the runtime of AMD as of  
> yet, but that's on my short todo list :)
> Getting an experiential handle on things will provide an education  
> in of itself, and I can't wait to cordon off some time to do it.
> Anyway...
> From my cursory understanding, the VDrive is just an aggregation of  
> URI's in a flat file on the user's disk.
> Is this flat file protected by any means?
> Like does the user have to present any kind of credentials in order  
> to "unlock" this VDrive, or is it stored in plaintext on the user's  
> hard drive?
> From my understanding, yes, the contents of the URIs are indeed  
> encrypted (in convergent fashion, or not), but I think having some  
> kind of assurance and or protection against unwanted eyes on the  
> metadata would be good and interesting.
> Secondly, regarding the VDrive again.
> Is there any service, could there be any service, that keeps/syncs  
> this drive metadata on behalf of the user, so that in the event of  
> a local disk crash, the user can go to a service and pick up their  
> metadata.
> Again, not being intimated with the pay service, nor the run time  
> aspects of any of this, I'm not sure if that's there or not :)
> Anyway, those are my cursory questions.
> Thanks guys and I look forward to working with the system soon.
> --josh
> -- 
> http://www.cryptomail.org
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