[tahoe-dev] build failure on intel mac

zooko zooko at zooko.com
Mon Jan 21 14:37:25 PST 2008


Thanks a lot for the feedback.

I'm adding Cc: the cryptopp-users mailing list, since many of the  
problems that you encountered seem to have to do with using Crypto++  
on Mac OS X.  Folks, please trim your follow-ups as appropriate.

On Jan 21, 2008, at 2:46 PM, Terrell Russell wrote:

> then the crypto stuff halted the progress - so i fell back to  
> trying with ALL source only in local directories (macports doesn't  
> do binaries yet anyways...).

As you mentioned to me on IRC, the problem with using macports was  
that macports doesn't have a sufficiently new version of Crypto++.   
It has Crypto++ v5.1.  Here is its web page [1].

I would be interested in making pycryptopp backwards-compatible to  
Crypto++ v5.1.  If you try building pycryptopp against the Mac Ports  
version of Crypto++, please let me know how it goes.

> i found your post at http://allmydata.org/pipermail/tahoe-dev/2007- 
> December/000294.html and got that to compile with seemingly no  
> errors... but make test for crypto552 fails itself... so i'm  
> mostly, at this point, just confused as to how anyone gets this  
> stuff built on mac.

Could you post the result of the make test for cryptopp552?  When I  
run it, on Mac OS 10.4.11, I get..  Whoops!  make test fails for me,  
too!  I guess I've been running "./cryptest.exe v" all this time  
instead of "make test".

Here is the result of "make test | head":

cc   test.o   -o test
/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:

However, "./cryptest.exe v" causes Crypto++ to run all of its self- 
tests and they pass.

Okay, as to your next problem -- from running "sudo make" in the  
tahoe directory -- I don't get the same failure when I try it on my  
system.  Note that you do not need "sudo" to build Tahoe (nor to run  
it), and I advise you not to use sudo when doing this.  However, I  
tried it with sudo just to see if that cause the failure that you  
had, and it didn't -- the build worked for me.

Could you see if the Crypto++ self-test works, as described above,  
then run "make check-all-deps" in the Tahoe directory?  That will  
attempt to import pycryptopp, among other things.




[1] http://trac.macports.org/projects/macports/browser/trunk/dports/ 

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