[tahoe-dev] tahoe_fuse: Test empty directory listings.

Nathan nejucomo at gmail.com
Mon Jan 28 20:56:25 PST 2008

In the interest of publish early, publish often, I present the first,
single system test for fuse, which is:

        listing = os.listdir(mountpoint)
        if listing:
            raise self.TestFailure('Expected empty directory, found:
%r' % (listing,))

Now further tests should be easy to implement.  Because the fuse
interface is currently read-only, further tests will have to create
data using the wapi, and then exercise the fuse interface to read the
created data.

Once the fuse interface supports writing, the complementary kind of
tests will be created (write with fuse, verify with wapi), as well as
fuse read/write identity tests.

On my wishlist is some kind of testing that attempts to answer "is the
fuse interface sufficiently indistinguishable to ext3 for common linux

This test framework, despite only having a single test currently, is
already valuable in ensuring the test *environment* is created
more-or-less deterministically.

If someone could run this on a MacFuse system and (assuming there is
some error), email me the output *and* the tarred up test directory
(which is references in the output), that would help me design further

Also, if you ever notice that this system test leaves tahoe nodes
running, this is a bug (probably due to a race condition).  I have yet
to see that on my system.

Comes with no warranty^H^H^H^H^H^H^HEnjoy this fine product!

Nathan Wilcox
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