[tahoe-dev] Tahoe illustration suggestion

zooko zooko at zooko.com
Sat Jul 12 08:53:26 PDT 2008

On Jul 12, 2008, at 2:11 AM, Peter Secor wrote:

> Very cool!

Yeah, sweet!

> I ran through a couple examples and after corrupting more than 4  
> shares
> it was unable to recover. What expansion factor is being used for this
> example?

I did, too, and then I noticed that when you click "Recover" it shows  
you which shares were used to recover, and that it shows you 7 of  
them.  So it must be 7-out-of-10.

Oh, and then I used "view source" and found this:


Heh.  I have to admit that I actually thought Drew had hooked up a  
real Tahoe node on the back-end until I saw the source.  Pretty good  
simulator!  :-)



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