[tahoe-dev] Switch archive to Lurker?

Aleksandr Milewski zandr at allmydata.com
Thu Jun 19 11:11:07 PDT 2008

I'm considering switching the mailing list archive from pipermail to  
lurker on the .org lists.

Warner complained about the threading in pipermail being fairly  
screwed up, and lurker seems to do a better job. It also has a local  
search function, and a nicer UI.

I just wanted to mention this here so if anyone cares deeply about  
having pipermail available, I can either not make the switch or figure  
out how to get mailman to update both archives.

There's a sample (manually updated) instance of lurker for this list  
at http://allmydata.org/lurker/list/tahoe-dev.en.html

  zandr at allmydata.com

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