[tahoe-dev] Compilation and using problems with tahoe 1.2.0 on many platforms ?

zooko zooko at zooko.com
Tue Nov 25 13:39:40 PST 2008

Welcome, Denis.

Thanks for the bug reports.  I'm going to open tickets for the ones  
I'm not sure how to solve right away, and ask you a few questions:

On Nov 25, 2008, at 2:13 AM, denis bonnenfant wrote:

> - on debien etch, packages are broken, as many of the binary  
> packages supplied as dependancies depends on a libc version from  
> sid or ubuntu.

Could you tell me more about which ones are linked against an  
incompatble?  I haven't seen this problem on our etch buildbot:


Here is a ticket to build deb's specifically on etch in the future:


> - on WinXP, I first try to use the tahoe.exe found in the official  
> allmydata windows package.

Okay, the first thing I want to know is: why did you not follow the  
link named '"Install Tahoe"' on the front page of http:// 
allmydata.org .  Did you not see it?  Did you think that it would be  
inapplicable or sub-optimal for your deployment?

> Did i missed something ? I read all the docs, but i found nothing  
> related with these issues.

I don't understand why you didn't read the doc that I wrote -- the  
one named '"Install Tahoe"'.  That doc isn't perfect -- if you had  
followed it you may well have had the same or similar problems.  But  
I am confused about why several people, including you, have for some  
reason skipped that document when trying to install.

In any case, please write back and I will be happy to help you more  
with installing Tahoe, and also with improving the documentation for  
the next user to come after you.  :-)



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