[tahoe-dev] CodeCon!
Cisterne Augustin
augustin.cisterne at atosorigin.com
Thu Apr 16 08:20:40 PDT 2009
Hey Zooko,
Is there a way to get a video of your demo or a PowerPoint ? San Fransico is a bit too far from France and your demo seems very interesting.
Best regards,
-----Message d'origine-----
De : tahoe-dev-bounces at allmydata.org [mailto:tahoe-dev-bounces at allmydata.org] De la part de Peter Secor
Envoyé : jeudi 16 avril 2009 17:14
À : tahoe-dev at allmydata.org
Objet : Re: [tahoe-dev] CodeCon! (and can I borrow your laptop and give it back in pieces?)
Zooko - I have a laptop running ubuntu that should work well. I've run a
couple nodes on it. You can definitely use it for the demo!
zooko wrote:
> Hey folks:
> If you are in San Francisco this weekend, come to CodeCon!
> http://codecon.org
> I'll be presenting Tahoe at 13:15 on Saturday, April 18.
> By the way, I was originally planning to borrow an old Pentium 133
> laptop from Brian, show it operating as one of the storage servers in
> the live demo (live demos are a requirement of presentations at
> CodeCon), and then smash it to pieces with an axe.
> The demo would then proceed to show how the files can still be
> accessed by using the remaining storage servers (which are also
> laptops, sitting visible on stage with me).
> However, Brian can't get his P133 laptop to boot because the CMOS
> battery is dead so it can't find its hard drive at boot time.
> Hopefully he can get it to boot from cd and we can install Tahoe on it.
> If that doesn't work, does anyone else have a computer which is
> powerful enough to run Tahoe, unloved enough to be sacrificed for a
> greater cause, and flimsy enough to satisfyingly splinter under assault?
> Thanks!
> Zooko
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