[tahoe-dev] my klog: I critique an academic Tahoe-LAFS-like cryptosystem

Troy Benjegerdes hozer at hozed.org
Wed Dec 2 13:03:42 PST 2009

I think this is quite relevant. I would not be so charitable to the
academic researchers. The fact that they do not reference Tahoe is
an example of everything wrong with academic overspecialization, and
the 'paper mill' problem. (See http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/scigen/ for
a very amusing response to the problem)

If anyone is motivated enough, I would be quite happy to participate
in hacking up the scigen code to automatically generate TAHOE-LAFS
papers, and then submit them to various conferences.

I have only managed to get a couple of papers published myself, but 
writing code to write papers sounds like much more fun to me ;)

On Wed, Dec 02, 2009 at 01:46:56PM -0700, Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:
> Folks:
> I often blog about Tahoe-LAFS related things, and I don't usually
> mention this fact on the list because that would be redundant.
> However, if you aren't aware of my blog or haven't checked it in a
> while, you might find some Tahoe-LAFS-relevant things there, such as
> this new one:
> http://testgrid.allmydata.org:3567/uri/URI:DIR2-RO:j74uhg25nwdpjpacl6rkat2yhm:kav7ijeft5h7r7rxdp5bgtlt3viv32yabqajkrdykozia5544jqa/wiki.html#[[HAIL%3A%20A%20High-Availability%20and%20Integrity%20Layer%20for%20Cloud%20Storage]]
> Regards,
> Zooko
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Troy Benjegerdes                'da hozer'                hozer at hozed.org  

Unless hours were cups of sack, and minutes capons, and clocks the tongues
of bawds, and dials the signs of leaping houses, and the blessed sun himself
a fair, hot wench in flame-colored taffeta, I see no reason why thou shouldst
be so superfluous to demand the time of the day.  I wasted time and now doth
time waste me.                        -- William Shakespeare

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