[tahoe-dev] [tahoe-lafs] #534: CLI (e.g. tahoe cp) does not correctly handle or display Unicode file/directory names, either in arguments or the local filesystem

tahoe-lafs trac at allmydata.org
Sun Dec 6 19:52:53 PST 2009

#534: CLI (e.g. tahoe cp) does not correctly handle or display Unicode
file/directory names, either in arguments or the local filesystem
     Reporter:  francois           |       Owner:  francois                                 
         Type:  defect             |      Status:  new                                      
     Priority:  major              |   Milestone:  eventually                               
    Component:  code-frontend-cli  |     Version:  1.2.0                                    
   Resolution:                     |    Keywords:  cp unicode filename forward-compatibility
Launchpad_bug:                     |  

Comment(by davidsarah):

 Sigh. I misread the exception message in #734. It is complaining about
 {{{sys.stdout.encoding}}} being None when stdout is redirected, not about
 the input string being None. So the fix for that should be something like

 def unicode_to_stdout(s):
     Encode an unicode object for representation on stdout.

     precondition(isinstance(s, unicode), s)

     enc = sys.stdout.encoding
     if enc is None or enc == 'cp65001':
         enc = 'utf-8'

         return s.encode(enc, 'replace')
     catch LookupError:
         return s.encode('utf-8', 'replace')  # maybe

 It might also be a good idea to write a BOM at the start of the output.
 That would allow the encoding to be autodetected if a file containing
 redirected output is edited, which is helpful at least on Windows, and
 should be harmless on other platforms.

 At least I did better at scrabble (won by 3 points :-)

Ticket URL: <http://allmydata.org/trac/tahoe/ticket/534#comment:79>
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secure decentralized file storage grid

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