[tahoe-dev] new stable grid volunteers

David Triendl david at triendl.name
Mon Feb 23 09:48:28 PST 2009


I am new to this mailing list, but I have been watching Tahoe for a few months
now. I would also be interested in using a stable grid. I could spare about 100
Gigabyte (if the harddisk gets full, I can later buy another one too) with a
reliability of around 95%, but upload bandwith only around 40 kilobyte/s. The
idea of having a grid that is clearly marked as stable instead of the test-grid
that may be wiped any time sounds like a good idea and might be useful as
backup storage. Of course we would have to rely on the community to not
over-use resources (e.g. storing gigabytes of data without offering any storage
to the grid yourself). Let's hope that we can soon realize this idea.

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