[tahoe-dev] Estimating reliability

Shawn Willden shawn-tahoe at willden.org
Mon Jan 12 21:09:09 PST 2009

On Monday 12 January 2009 08:17:33 pm Brian Warner wrote:
> Well, what I think we'll wind up with is a table (parameterized on P_i and
> A), that says "if there are 10 shares left, there's a 99.99x% chance of the
> file surviving for another A seconds",

I'm not sure I see how the table would work, if you're allowing the storage 
servers to have different p_i.  However, the computation is very fast for 
small share sets (less than a few hundred), so you don't really need a lookup 

> If P_i falls, or if A increases, then we may have to increase R to achieve
> the desired survivability, if it's even possible.

If increasing R doesn't do the job, the repairer can increase N/k.  This is 
getting to the heart of my point about 't'.  Given a concrete survivability 
goal and some reasonably-good per-peer reliability estimates, there are a 
number of parameters a smart client can adjust in order to make sure that the 
goal is met.

Given a sufficiently-complete model, we may be able to automatically optimize 
k, N, A and R to minimize a cost function (of storage and bandwidth) while 
ensuring that the survivability goal is met.  This makes our user-tunable 
parameters directly expressive of what the user cares about, rather than 
these arcane values which require understanding of the way the system works, 
rather than what the user wants it to do.

>  A and P_i would give you a matrix of decay probabilities Md(A,P_i): the
>  chance that a file which starts the period with X shares will finish the
>  period with Y shares. One side of the diagonal is full of zeros: we can
>  only ever lose shares.

Yep, that's what the chain matrix will look like.  One thing that occurs to me 
is that with variable p_i, you can't really say that the probability of any 
file that starts with 8 shares has a probabilty x of ending with 6, because 
the probability depends on the p_i of the specific 8 peers holding the 
shares.  I can think of a couple of ways to address that.  Hmm.

>  We'll do repair whenever it is desired and possible (i.e. k<=i<R), so we
>  construct a second "post-repair" matrix Mpr, in which e.g. Mpr(start=10,
>  finish=10) = sum([Md(start=10,finish=i) for i in range(k,R)+[N]]).

I'm not following your notation here.

> It's possible that at some point, the distribution of numbers of
> shares sort of flattens out, and lim(Psurvive(t=x)/Psurvive(t=x-1), x->inf)
> is well-defined (and, I suspect, would approach that limit from above).

That matches my intuition, that in the limit it looks much like a geometric 
progression, with r converging to a limit.  Hopefully, we'll find out.

> So yeah, avoiding all that math and sticking with the worst-case scenario
> instead, we assume that we've got R shares at the start of each period, and
> care about the probability that we wind up with fewer than k at the end. In
> that model, we only care about one row of the transition matrix (the
> start=R row), and we really only care about one number: the chance that
> we'll land in the bad end of that row (finish<k). This is then the same
> from one period to the next, and the long-term probability is easier to
> calculate (and the actual value would be better than this model). I'm not
> sure that this simplified model makes it at all easy to figure out the
> amount of repair work, however.

Me neither.  It's also not clear to me now how I thought I could do it with 
the threshold-based scheme.  Apparently I needed a larger margin to write in.  
If R=N, it's easy.

> cool stuff, I'm tempted to spend a couple of days playing with this again
> (but really I should be working on code instead..)

Hehe.  Yeah, I'm not getting anywhere on the backup client because I'm using 
my available cycles playing with this stuff.


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