[tahoe-dev] Authority to DoS via WAPI

zooko zooko at zooko.com
Wed Jan 14 17:52:19 PST 2009

Thanks for the patch, Toby!

The name should reflect that this is ambient authority specifically  
for uploading, so how about something like  

Also, the users following the current install docs [1] need to learn  
how to configure their nodes to allow uploads.  I suspect it would be  
easiest to make the ambient upload authority default to True for this  
imminent release.

Also, in fact, your patch shows no signs of actually reading the  
config file and having any way to turn the ambient authority on.  :-)

Finally, both of the error messages mention "PUT" although one of  
them is for POST.




[1] http://allmydata.org/source/tahoe/trunk/docs/install.html

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