[tahoe-dev] Authority to DoS via WAPI

Toby Murray toby.murray at comlab.ox.ac.uk
Fri Jan 16 17:58:11 PST 2009

On Thu, 2009-01-15 at 06:09 -0700, zooko wrote:
> Thanks, Toby!  There is one more thing that I would want in order to  
> apply this patch to trunk: a test showing that if you configure  
> ambient upload authority off, and then try to upload, it doesn't use  
> up any of the grid's disk space.

Hi zooko,

I've put together such a test. An updated patch (against r3433) and a
test case have been attached to a new ticket for this issue, #587.

Note that in creating the test case, I had to fix some brittle code in
test/common.py that lives in the call chain under set_up_nodes(). This
function has the default value for the number of nodes as 5. Code that
gets executed in there assumes that the value of this parameter is >=4,
which of course it might not be. This assumption was broken by my test
code so I had to patch the code in common.py.

I'd be interested to get your thoughts on it.

In the test case, I check only for the node's HTTP responses, since this
is the result of the patch. I'm happy to take pointers on how to test
for space consumption in the grid, however.



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