[tahoe-dev] [tahoe-lafs] #49: UPnP

tahoe-lafs trac at allmydata.org
Wed Jul 15 10:04:04 PDT 2009

#49: UPnP
     Reporter:  zooko      |        Type:  enhancement 
       Status:  new        |    Priority:  minor       
    Milestone:  undecided  |   Component:  code-network
      Version:             |    Keywords:              
Launchpad_bug:             |  

Comment(by warner):

 > I assume that deployment and robustness of UPnP has improved since then.

 Thanks for the reference. I admire your confidence :)

 > a broken UPnP implementation suggesting a wrong IP address and port
 number wouldn't do any harm, right?

 correct. Worst case, the node thinks it is externally visible but is not.

 Implementation-wise, we probably need some improvements in the overall
 !IntroducerClient behavior, since the current code assumes that it can get
 its location hints quickly at startup, and that they never change after
 that. We need something to handle changes to the location hints at runtime
 (including the initial determination, which usually requires running
 /sbin/ifconfig to compute and is thus asynchronous) and then send a new
 announcement to the Introducer each time. Foolscap is not entirely happy
 with changing location hints either: FURLs are computed once at startup
 (specifically at {{{tub.registerReference}}} time), and not updated
 afterwards, so we'd need some more work to make that behave smoothly.

 We should probably implement #445 (relay) and #50 (STUNT) eventually, too.

Ticket URL: <http://allmydata.org/trac/tahoe/ticket/49#comment:13>
tahoe-lafs <http://allmydata.org>
secure decentralized file storage grid

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