[tahoe-dev] buildbots (Re: My buildbot)

Zooko O'Whielacronx zookog at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 10:23:40 PDT 2009

Thanks, Shawn, I fixed the label to "Shawn jaunty amd64".  By the way
it might be nice if you put information into the info/host file like

date >> host
uname -a >> host
g++ --version >> host
cat /proc/cpuinfo  >> host
lsb_release -a >> host


I'm thinking of extending the show-tool-versions step to run those
commands, but until then it could be useful.

In other buildbot news, I retired dapper yesterday.  The dapper
machine has been off-line for a while, Zandr reported possible
hardware problems, and maintaining support for Ubuntu 6.06 LTS doesn't
seem very important.  (On the other hand, I'm sort of sad to see our
oldest supported platform go, so if anybody out there wants to run a
Dapper buildslave, let me know!  :-))

In other buildbot news David Abrahams contributed a buildbot for
pycryptopp on OpenSolaris (it's not working yet).

Dan's ArchLinux buildbot has gone red due to the required foolscap upgrade:


Dan: just "/bin/rm -rf
/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/foolscap-0.3.2-py2.6.egg".  If you
want to keep foolscap installed on that machine then you could instead
"sudo easy_install -U foolscap".

Let's promote Dan's ArchLinux to Supported status after he fixes that.
 It hasn't gone red since the mysterious zope.interface recursion all
those months ago (excepting cases where the tahoe side broke
something, such as this foolscap upgrade).

Ruben's Fedora buildbot got sig 11 during test_backupdb in 6 out of
the last 7 runs, and succeeded in the other one.  I think we need to
add versioning information about sqlite to get_package_versions():
http://allmydata.org/trac/tahoe/browser/src/allmydata/__init__.py .
There, I've just added information about sqlite versions and pushed
the patch.  It says that Ruben's Fedora has the following versions and
locations: sqlite: 3.6.12 (unknown), pysqlite: 2.4.1
(/usr/lib64/python2.6/sqlite3).  Ruben: could you try running some
sqlite3 self-tests, or see if there are any known issues in that
version of sqlite that you have installed there?  To reproduce the
crashing test on the Tahoe tests, just run "python ./setup.py test -s

Zandr Lenny-armel and François Lenny-armv5tel are both red at the
moment, but this is most likely due to the Crypto++ issue that we
finished diagnosing the day before yesterday (way to go, Brian!).
I've installed Crypto++ v5.6.0 on Zandr Lenny-armel and I'm rerunning
the test on François Lenny-armv5tel now that pycryptopp v0.5.13 (which
includes a copy of Crypto++ v5.6.0) is up on http://pypi.python.org .

Ben's OpenBSD/Sparc64 buildbot is stuck on the fact that the Glasgow
Haskell Compiler isn't ported to OpenBSD/sparc64.  I think we need to
set up some other way for Ben's buildbot to get the latest Tahoe
trunk.  Anybody want to set up a mirror into hg or bzr, or shall we
just have it wget the latest snapshot tarball?

Okay, that's the buildbot roundup.  It's exciting!  We may be able to
add OpenSolaris, ArchLinux, Debian-on-ARM, and maybe Fedora and maybe
even OpenBSD/sparc64 to the Supported list for the upcoming stable
release of Tahoe!  :-)



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