[tahoe-dev] [tahoe-lafs] #597: add 'tahoe mirror' command, use backupdb

tahoe-lafs trac at allmydata.org
Thu Mar 12 14:10:29 PDT 2009

#597: add 'tahoe mirror' command, use backupdb
 Reporter:  warner             |           Owner:           
     Type:  enhancement        |          Status:  new      
 Priority:  major              |       Milestone:  undecided
Component:  code-frontend-cli  |         Version:  1.2.0    
 Keywords:                     |   Launchpad_bug:           

Comment(by warner):

 stockrt: nope, "tahoe backup" is defined to create successive timestamped
 snapshots, whereas "tahoe mirror" is defined to create/modify a single

 After you've used "tahoe backup ... alias:Backups" daily for a few days,
 you'll have:

  * Backups/Latest/...
  * Backups/Archives/2009-03-10/...
  * Backups/Archives/2009-03-11/...
  * Backups/Archives/2009-03-12/...

 After you've used "tahoe mirror ... alias:Backups" daily for a few days
 (or a month, or just once), you'll have:

  * Backups/...

 If you used "tahoe backup ... alias:Backups" and then ignored the
 Backups/Archives/ directory, you'd get the same thing as you'd get with
 "tahoe mirror ... alias:Backups/Latest". But someone who wants just the
 latest copy would 1) be annoyed by the old archives piling up and 2) would
 be annoyed by the extra "Latest/" subdirectory that they didn't ask for.
 That's why it seems like a separate command would be useful. (but, not as
 useful as "tahoe backup", which is why "tahoe mirror" got de-prioritized).

Ticket URL: <http://allmydata.org/trac/tahoe/ticket/597#comment:5>
tahoe-lafs <http://allmydata.org>
secure decentralized file storage grid

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