[tahoe-dev] Almost-caps-in-URLs design failure by lack of attentuation

Kevin Reid kpreid at mac.com
Thu Sep 10 18:37:39 PDT 2009


> There was a problem with Hacker News that allowed vote faking by  
> constructing a special link.
> The vote links looked something like this:
> http://news.ycombinator.com/vote?for=814958&dir=up&by=jsteele&whence=news
> It was possible to fake votes by tricking the user to enter their  
> Hacker News username into a form. To fix the problem, a new auth  
> parameter was added to every vote link. Now the vote links look like  
> this:
> http://news.ycombinator.com/vote?for=814958&dir=up&by=jsteele&auth=YQ6UDAAP&whence=news
> The auth parameter is a per-user random token. If a user votes and  
> the auth token doesn't match the server's auth value for that user,  
> the vote is ignored.
> The token value, as it turns out, is also used as the value of the  
> user authentication cookie:
> (def vote-url (user i dir whence)
>   (+ "vote?" "for=" i!id
>              "&dir=" dir
>              (if user (+ "&by=" user "&auth=" (user->cookie* user)))
>              "&whence=" (urlencode whence)))
> If an attacker can get a logged-in Hacker News user to share a vote  
> link, the auth parameter can be used in a cookie to act as the  
> Hacker News user on the site. That means the attacker can vote, add  
> comments, submit stories, change personal info, etc.
> How to get a user to share that link? One way is to entice them with  
> pretty pictures. Here's one possible approach: [...]
> My experience with the vote faking suggests that many people are  
> willing to try something like this.
> One way to fix this problem is to generate a different signature for  
> each vote link. Stealing the link would then allow an attacker to  
> make a specific vote on a specific story, but the attacker would not  
> be able to act indiscriminately as another user.

Kevin Reid                                  <http://switchb.org/kpreid/>

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