[tahoe-dev] GSoC Idea: Locality based dynamic P2P algorithm for distributed introduction

Zooko O'Whielacronx zookog at gmail.com
Sat Apr 3 22:22:10 PDT 2010

Hello M O Faruque Sarker:

I'm glad you are interested in the Tahoe-LAFS project for GSoC, and
I'm glad you have your own specific thoughts about what to do.

However, I don't want distributed introduction to be so sophisticated
a mechanism. My current desire for Distributed Introduction is a
fairly simple algorithm which is described in
http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/68#comment:11 .

That algorithm seems sufficient to eliminate the availability Single
Point of Failure and is otherwise nearly as dumb as it can be. I
guesstimate the the algorithm (hereafter named "the Comment 11
algorithm") would scale up to a grid at least as large as the largest
Tahoe-LAFS grids so far (on the order of a hundred servers and
definitely less than a thousand servers, with perhaps a thousand

One possible GSoC project for you would be to first implement the
Comment 11 algorithm, and then if you finish that (including tests,
docs, backward- and forward- compatibility analyses, etc.) you could
go on to do a "bonus round" of GSoC by implementing a simulation which
shows how the Comment 11 algorithm is not scalable or has other
undesirable properties.

Alternately, you might be interested in a completely different GSoC
project instead.

What do you think?

And by the way, I *do* want a copy of your conference paper, please.
:-) Your locality-aware distributed robot protocol sounds interesting.



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