[tahoe-dev] example GSoC Proposal Re: working in public Re: Google Summer of Code chooses to sponsor Tahoe-LAFS!

Kevan Carstensen kevan at isnotajoke.com
Wed Apr 7 20:36:01 PDT 2010

At 2010-04-07 00:31 (-0600), Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:

> Newsflash: the student who was preparing a Proposal for RAIC has
> decided not to apply for that project after all. Therefore, if any of
> the numerous other students who were originally interested in RAIC
> wish to Propose to work on RAIC, go ahead. 

If you don't end up getting anyone else interested in RAIC, I'm still
interested in working on it. I only switched to MDMF because both RAIC
and MDMF struck me as cool, and I figured that Tahoe-LAFS would get more
mileage out of GSoC if not every student applied for the same project.

(this is basically equivalent to me submitting a proposal for RAIC,
except that I already did that. So it's more me re-affirming that I'm
willing to work on either of the proposals that I submitted)

Kevan Carstensen | <kevan at isnotajoke.com>

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