[tahoe-dev] Deleting illegal stuff

Guyzmo guyzmo+tahoe-lafs at m0g.net
Wed Aug 4 12:17:28 UTC 2010


On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 12:59:17PM +0400, eurekafag wrote:
> There is a running test grid which have external web interface. Assume
> that someone creates a directory, uploads illegal files (cp for example
> or just music/videos) and distributes read-only link to this directory.
> Eventually, law agency would demand removing this stuff. How would you
> do this? 

I asked my firm's lawyer, who is working on a master thesis about
privacy and IP on Internet, about this. As a general rule, to comply
with most legislations, if you run a public grid, you'd better put a
legal disclaimer saying something like this:

    'This public storage grid is a free service, uploaders are
    responsible to what they put in and share from the grid.
    If national laws are not respected, neither the owners of 
    this introducer or of the nodes can be taken responsible.'

Of course, there are plenty of disclaimers better written available on

Then, if LEA contact you, do the best you can to remove contents
or make them unaccessible. But you're not liable to succeed, because of
technical constraints. Storage in public grid is something too new for
the laws, so in most countries, a jurisprudence has to be established. ;)


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