[tahoe-dev] [tahoe-lafs] #1023: Cloud App: Music player

tahoe-lafs trac at tahoe-lafs.org
Sat Aug 14 18:53:04 UTC 2010

#1023: Cloud App: Music player
     Reporter:  josipl   |       Owner:  davidsarah     
         Type:  task     |      Status:  new            
     Priority:  major    |   Milestone:  1.9.0          
    Component:  contrib  |     Version:  1.6.1          
   Resolution:           |    Keywords:  gsoc jsui music
Launchpad Bug:           |  

Comment (by josipl):

 The last patch (attachment:updates14082010.dpatch) adds some useful
 features and number of improvements to the old ones, so everyone - please

 If the app will have problems with detection of your files or if
 songs/artists/albums will have funky characters in their names, please use
 attachment:id3_extractor.py to extract ID3 tags from your troubled files
 and attach the result here. (note: you will have to {{{easy_install

Ticket URL: <http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/1023#comment:14>
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