[tahoe-dev] barriers to using tahoe

Jody Harris havoc at harrisdev.com
Mon Feb 1 08:58:06 PST 2010

I have set up a very small grid with some associates. The grid has been
running a little over a month, and there has been very little buy-in. Two
people have set up nodes then taken them back down. One was a Windows user
who ran into one frustration after another. The other was running a Linux
variant, and became concerned about network usage (undisclosed).

The frustrations seem to run along the lines of:
 - It's hard to get it up and running
 - Creating directories and files via the WUI makes keeping track of
capabilities a tedious manual exercise in futility.
 - Using the CLI is arcane, mysterious and cryptic.
 - There should be a FUSE-like gateway through my file manager
 - Once I create items, I have no way to browser them (see above)
 - I don't have time to read manuals
 - I only have [15 minutes a week] to work on this project

Our grid is reporting 1+TB of capacity. To my knowledge, I may be the only
person using it daily. With only 4 nodes on the grid, I lack confidence in
the grid.

With the limited number of nodes, and my limited contribution to the grid, I
have yet to commit large backups to the grid. At this point, I am using it
only for backups that I consider to be a critical need, and where no backup
is not an option. (Even the limited tahoe grid is by far my best option for
this job.)
- Think carefully.
- Contra mundum - "Against the world" (St. Athanasius)
- Credo ut intelliga - "I believe that I may know" (St. Augustin of Hippo)
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