[tahoe-dev] barriers to using tahoe

Cyrille Donald Ndata ndatacyrille at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 12:35:37 PST 2010

Hi all, If my little contributions can help???!!

For the observations made by Jody.. it’s true  basic users will have such a
hard time to use Tahoe, as for me just few month for me graduation in
computer science, with one of my professor with are currently studying
TAHOE, because it can help our university especially to store students
profiles and personal document, therefore with have currently setup a grid
made of 30 machines( some windows, Ubuntu and MacOSX) we are only looking to
put some under CentOS5; but seriously struggling to make it work .

1)      On the main page you can read “This procedure has been verified to
work on Windows, Cygwin, Mac, many flavors of Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD,
OpenBSD, and NetBSD””=è not  true!!! Exple installation on windows seven and
XP SP3 require to install manually PYCRYPTOPP (took us a week to figure out
this one),pywin32,mingw ,python2.5(with python24 or 2.6 lots of errors don’t
know why).t

2)      It’s true that windows user needs something more friendly ,so there
is a lot of room for improvement !!!!!

For windows we did convert all exe to msi for quiet installation therefore
within a zip file we create  a bat file, add the Tahoe zip and other
necessary soft(pycryp,mingw,
) and the user with just the bat can install
the whole things => installation on windows start be user friendly!!!!
Still waiting on someone help for the installation on CentOS
.. sincerely


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