[tahoe-dev] [tahoe-lafs] #963: configure default installation of tahoe to point at a working grid

tahoe-lafs trac at allmydata.org
Mon Feb 22 16:27:52 PST 2010

#963: configure default installation of tahoe to point at a working grid
 Reporter:  secorp     |           Owner:  somebody  
     Type:  task       |          Status:  new       
 Priority:  major      |       Milestone:  eventually
Component:  packaging  |         Version:  unknown   
 Keywords:             |   Launchpad_bug:            

Comment(by imhavoc):

 As Tahoe moves toward the "mainstream," the percentage of users who want
 to test the water and are willing to "read the docs" is going to
 asymptotically approach statistical zero.

 The Tahoe developers will have to (at some point) make a decision about
 whether or they want to cater to this user. If the decision is to support
 the non-document reading user, *I think* the best option is to put them on
 a default grid, then remind them that they are on a default grid until
 they either switch to a non-default grid, or change the configuration file
 to not alert them of the default grid status.

 (The default grid could turn into the largest, most stable distributed
 grid on the net as long as users are not encouraged to abandon it. If the
 default grid turns out to be large and stable, the alert message about the
 default grid could be removed in future versions.)

Ticket URL: <http://allmydata.org/trac/tahoe/ticket/963#comment:4>
tahoe-lafs <http://allmydata.org>
secure decentralized file storage grid

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