[tahoe-dev] [tahoe-lafs] #833: reject mutable children when *reading* an immutable dirnode
trac at allmydata.org
Mon Jan 18 12:15:38 PST 2010
#833: reject mutable children when *reading* an immutable dirnode
Reporter: warner | Owner: davidsarah
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: critical | Milestone: 1.6.0
Component: code-dirnodes | Version: 1.5.0
Keywords: integrity forward-compatibility backward-compatibility confidentiality | Launchpad_bug:
Comment(by zooko):
Okay, so the meaning of {{{imm.}}} in English is "I found this cap in an
immutable context and I couldn't verify whether it is an immutable cap."
rather than "I found this cap in an immutable context.". Sounds okay to
Replying to [comment:32 davidsarah]:
> > Should the webapi server tag such caps with something like {{{unk.}}}
so that the fact that they came from a context where this property
couldn't be verified is not lost?
> What would the webapi client do with that fact? {{{imm.}}} and {{{ro.}}}
are associated with specific conformance requirements, but {{{unk.}}}
wouldn't be -- it would just be a hint that the webapi client shouldn't
assume something. It is easier to document that it shouldn't ever make
that assumption.
Okay, I'm convinced.
Great! Are we out of open issues for this ticket?
I chatted with Scott Kittermann, a Master of the Universe, and he said we
still had an excellent chance of getting Tahoe-LAFS v1.6 included in Lucid
if we upload it to them on Monday 25th instead of (as per our previous
plan) Wednesday the 20th. So let's do it!! :-)
Ticket URL: <http://allmydata.org/trac/tahoe/ticket/833#comment:35>
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