[tahoe-dev] building and pre-existing dependencies

Greg Troxel gdt at ir.bbn.com
Sat Jul 24 14:10:53 UTC 2010

Thanks for the packaging help.

The real issue was that pkgsrc distutils packages were not making egg
files like they should, due to disabling them in 2.5 and 2.6 to match
2.4, in order to avoid variant packing lists.  I fixed this, so
distutils packages have egg files in 2.5+.  Presumably no one cares
about tahoe and python 2.4 (I don't).

I've made packages for most of tahoe's prereqs.  I have two more to
go and then should be able to commit the tahoe-lafs package.

Naming question: Should the package be called "tahoe-lafs"?  That seems
to be the preferred name, and the most helpful for users to find it, but
the distfile is allmydata-tahoe.

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