[tahoe-dev] Timeout of Servermap Update

eurekafag eurekafag at eureka7.ru
Mon Jul 26 11:34:11 UTC 2010


I have one problem with updating the directories. Sometimes a server
is dropping out of network for various reasons but still remains
connected on welcome page. When I'm trying to access any directory my
node starts map updating and it may be very long operation during
which all work with directories hangs. It takes from 10 to 14 minutes
and I guess it's unacceptable for such system. Where can I set the
timeout for this? I set up:

timeout.keepalive = 60
timeout.disconnect = 300

But this doesn't help. One of servers lost internet connection
suddenly and that's what I got accessing one of directories (there
were 4 servers and only 3 requests succeded):

Started: 15:11:01 26-Jul-2010
Finished: 15:25:51 26-Jul-2010
Storage Index: o4wudooveaakzeqdhvspjsjgtm
Helper?: No
Progress: 100.0%
Status: Finished
Update Results

Total: 14 minutes
Initial Queries: 4.5ms
Cumulative Verify: 1.0ms
Per-Server Response Times:
[nfyml6h3]: 3.4ms
[t726lxet]: 67ms
[35jflwuq]: 32ms

Almost 15 minutes! That becomes critical if you mount a directory via
sshfs+sftpd, then any process may stuck when lists this mounted dir
and the only way is to kill sshfs (you couldn't kill the process
itself, it's in D+ state) or wait (not knowing how long). Please,
point me to the right timeout option for such requests! 10 to 30
seconds would be very nice.

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