[tahoe-dev] Why pyutils isn't well known

Zooko O'Whielacronx zooko at zooko.com
Tue Jul 27 05:24:15 UTC 2010

On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 11:03 PM, Ravi Pinjala <ravi at p-static.net> wrote:
> I'd like to second this - not trying to be harsh here, but a package
> where the description is basically "contains good code!" is next to useless.

All right, all right! So, here's a list of the files:


At some point I will browse through this list and add a bullet-point
about each file to the README.

Someone else could do this if they want to help. Most files have a
docstring or comment at the top briefly describing what it is. If you
want to help with this, you can just write a bullet-point for each
file whose purpose is clear to you, and make a list of the names of
all files whose purpose is unclear to you and it will be my job to add
doc of each file on that list.



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