[tahoe-dev] [tahoe-lafs] #1002: do some renovations on Memory Lane

tahoe-lafs trac at allmydata.org
Thu Mar 18 22:39:49 PDT 2010

#1002: do some renovations on Memory Lane
 Reporter:  zooko        |           Owner:  somebody 
     Type:  enhancement  |          Status:  new      
 Priority:  major        |       Milestone:  undecided
Component:  website      |         Version:  1.6.0    
 Keywords:               |   Launchpad_bug:           
 http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/wiki/TestGrid has a section entitled
 "Memory Lane" which is a cool way to see what different things look like
 through older versions of Tahoe-LAFS. But many of the gateway nodes in
 question failed to be restarted last time I rebooted allmydata.org, and
 the links and layout could probably be improved. Configure allmydata.org
 to launch all those gateway nodes on startup, and populate Memory Lane
 with a nicer set of links to visit and better layout and explanation.

Ticket URL: <http://allmydata.org/trac/tahoe/ticket/1002>
tahoe-lafs <http://allmydata.org>
secure decentralized file storage grid

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