[tahoe-dev] some people seem think the public web gateway protects them from their government (was: Chinese Tahoe-LAFS users found on the Internet)

Zooko O'Whielacronx zooko at zooko.com
Mon Nov 1 06:05:14 UTC 2010

I just saw this tweet, which was posted a few minutes ago and which I
found by searching for "Tahoe-LAFS" on twitter:


The text of the tweet is:

#HOWTO 使用FutureX.cn加密社会在墙内的相关免费服务 - 使用非IE或非Trident内核的浏览器请进
http://TinyURL.com/FXCN00 | 使用其他或未知的浏览器请进 http://TinyURL.com/FXCN000

Which google translate renders into English as:

# HOWTO encrypted using FutureX.cn related community in the wall free
service - use non-IE browsers or Trident kernel Come
http://TinyURL.com/FXCN00 | using other browsers or unknown Come
http:/ / TinyURL.com/FXCN000 GFW FuckGFW

The tiny-url link in it, http://tinyurl.com/FXCN00, elicits this full
url from tinyurl.com:


That file, when translated from Chinese to English by google
translate, is below.

It appears that some people are relying on the public web gateway to
the public test grid for some sort of security properties or other.
(Precisely what properties, I can't tell.)

We already said in explicit detail why using the public web gateway
does *not* protect you from an attacker like the government of China:


But apparently these people didn't see those mailing list messages or
didn't understand them.

I don't know how to get in touch with those people in order to
communicate with them. (Last time around -- last August -- I mentioned
their twitter handle on twitter, but received no response.)

Perhaps we should take down the public test gateway. Or at least move
it to a different host+port so that everyone's normal usage of it will
break and make sure the new one has a prominent warning message on the
front page.

Oh! And this time let's attempt to translate the warning message into Chinese.

Yu Xue, are you available to do some translation work?



WikiLeaks wall station (SSL encryption agent by the German Privacy
Foundation) http://TinyURL.com/Wleaks2

HOWTO open microblogging in the wall with her mad that he or it
sensitive to the G point in whispers http://TinyURL.com/FXCN001

HOWTO storage potential of crab stocks Posts full page in the wall and
continue irrigation http://TinyURL.com/FXCN002

HOWTO upload and sensitive to the G point of view a page or file
distributed in the Tahoe-LAFS encrypted storage server
1. Login http://pubgrid.tahoe-lafs.org
2. Click the Create a directory (create a file folder)
3. In the future if you want to change or rename this file to any
folder or bookmark files can be recorded copy and paste the address
bar of your browser's Web site
4. Click the Browse ...
5. Select the page or file to upload
6. Click Upload
7. Click the bottom of the page or file Filename Links | If you want
to share an entire folder all the files you click on Read-Only Version
8. Copy and paste the URL browser's address bar him or her to share it

HOWTO use the I2P proxy server within the network and browse the
sensitive post text to G point
1. Login without SSL encryption or SSL encryption LodgeIt LodgeIt
2. Copy the text to be posted
3. Paste the space in the middle
4. Click the blank space below the Paste!
5. Click below raw Paste Details
6. Copy and paste the URL browser's address bar him or her to share it

HOWTO join the IRC Web Chat Freenode
1. Login page without SSL encryption or SSL encrypted chat rooms, web chat rooms
2. Fill in the blank space on the right Nickname never registered or
registered ID ID
3. Freenode has been registered and would like to ID the person
appeared to be VGH Auth to services and enter ID in the Username enter
the password in the Password
4. Fill in the blank space left in the Reload the top display of English words
5. Click Connect

HOWTO use the IRC web chat rooms Freenode
xxx password yyy refers to refer to refer to the user ID zzz chat room
ID x at x.com refer-mail

a. to register a new ID (if within 60 days of action without any
confirmation ID ID will automatically be frozen until the title was
the original user reiterated until the application for the transfer or
other users)
1. In the dialog bar, type / ns register xxx x at x.com
2. Go to the mailbox to find a confirmation letter from the Freenode
sent a complete copy paper, similar to / msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER
yyy abcdefghijkl instructions
3. Paste and type in the dialog bar
4. Do not want to open the mailbox, type / ns set hidemail on
b. to confirm the ID in a chat room, type / ns identify xxx
c. want to join another chat room, type / j # zzz
d. want to register a new chat room, type / cs register # zzz xxx
e. want the program to guard the chat room, type / cs set # zzz guard on
f. want to get the chat room administrative privileges, type / cs op # zzz yyy
g. To view information on the chat room, type / cs info # zzz
h. To view the management of the chat room, type / cs access # zzz list
i. want to improve a management ID to the chat room, type / cs access
# zzz add yyy 2 | the last digit to decide in accordance with the
existing management hierarchy can be greater than 1
j. The management would like to remove from a chat room ID, type / cs
access # zzz del yyy
k. To see what chat rooms have administrative privileges, type / ns listchans
l. To view other user's command, type / ns help | more information
about the user's command description
m. To see other related chat room, type the command / cs help | more
command description about the chat room

HOWTO upload and view videos sensitive to G point
1. In the Viddler video up a total of not more than 500M 2G single account

HOWTO edit a common translation or sensitive documents to the G point
1. Create a new PiratePad

This article by the Pirate Party of China and East Asia, a spokesman
for the Animal Liberation Front press office provided @ xDD0Sx

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