[tahoe-dev] [tahoe-lafs] #1220: build/install should be able to refrain from getting dependencies
trac at tahoe-lafs.org
Mon Nov 1 17:43:45 UTC 2010
#1220: build/install should be able to refrain from getting dependencies
Reporter: gdt | Owner: gdt
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: minor | Milestone: undecided
Component: packaging | Version: 1.8.0
Resolution: | Keywords: setuptools
Launchpad Bug: |
Comment (by davidsarah):
Replying to [comment:17 gdt]:
> No, because a) --svem isn't usable during a build phase (install writes
to the destination) and b) it doesn't check dependencies and fail. (This
gives me the impression install is only supposed to be used after build.)
'setup.py install' and 'setup.py build' are alternatives. As far as I
understand, it isn't intended that both be used.
> I don't mean to demand that anyone spend time on this, but I still think
the setup.py code is incorrect compared to longstanding open source norms.
I don't dispute that, but I favour making sure that a replacement for
setuptools -- probably Brian's "unsuck" branch -- follows those norms by
default, rather than continuing to hack at zetuptoolz. zooko's efforts
with the latter are appreciated, but that approach has consumed an
enormous amount of development effort, and is still causing obscure and
often irreproducible bugs on our buildslaves and for our users.
Ticket URL: <http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/1220#comment:19>
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