[tahoe-dev] some people seem think the public web gateway protects them from their government (was: Chinese Tahoe-LAFS users found on the Internet)

yu xue xueyu7452 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 2 01:13:29 UTC 2010

They are trying to find ways to store, upload, browse sensitive materials
and use services which are very likely to be forbidden by Great Fire
Wall(GFW) . They are trying to take advantage of Tahoe-lafs(
http://pubgrid.tahoe-lafs.org) to store, upload and browse some sensitive
webpages or materials. The steps they did is the same as google

2010/11/1 Zooko O'Whielacronx <zooko at zooko.com>

> I just saw this tweet, which was posted a few minutes ago and which I
> found by searching for "Tahoe-LAFS" on twitter:
> http://twitter.com/#!/CNPirates/status/29345914830
> The text of the tweet is:
> """
> #HOWTO 使用FutureX.cn加密社会在墙内的相关免费服务 - 使用非IE或非Trident内核的浏览器请进
> http://TinyURL.com/FXCN00 <http://tinyurl.com/FXCN00> | 使用其他或未知的浏览器请进
> http://TinyURL.com/FXCN000 <http://tinyurl.com/FXCN000>
> """
> Which google translate renders into English as:
> """
> # HOWTO encrypted using FutureX.cn related community in the wall free
> service - use non-IE browsers or Trident kernel Come
> http://TinyURL.com/FXCN00 <http://tinyurl.com/FXCN00> | using other
> browsers or unknown Come
> http:/ / TinyURL.com/FXCN000 GFW FuckGFW
> """
> The tiny-url link in it, http://tinyurl.com/FXCN00, elicits this full
> url from tinyurl.com:
> http://pubgrid.tahoe-lafs.org/file/URI%3ACHK%3Aqlnccmzlkqfp2akv64n2cu4poi%3Aj4kh5or5g5lbktwgyl26djnbrxmtoedrgykgje5tg2lghpsv7npa%3A3%3A10%3A4931/@@named=/fxcn0.htm
> That file, when translated from Chinese to English by google
> translate, is below.
> It appears that some people are relying on the public web gateway to
> the public test grid for some sort of security properties or other.
> (Precisely what properties, I can't tell.)
> We already said in explicit detail why using the public web gateway
> does *not* protect you from an attacker like the government of China:
> http://tahoe-lafs.org/pipermail/tahoe-dev/2010-August/004897.html
> http://tahoe-lafs.org/pipermail/tahoe-dev/2010-August/004899.html
> http://tahoe-lafs.org/pipermail/tahoe-dev/2010-September/005088.html
> But apparently these people didn't see those mailing list messages or
> didn't understand them.
> I don't know how to get in touch with those people in order to
> communicate with them. (Last time around -- last August -- I mentioned
> their twitter handle on twitter, but received no response.)
> Perhaps we should take down the public test gateway. Or at least move
> it to a different host+port so that everyone's normal usage of it will
> break and make sure the new one has a prominent warning message on the
> front page.
> Oh! And this time let's attempt to translate the warning message into
> Chinese.
> Yu Xue, are you available to do some translation work?
> Regards,
> Zooko
> """
> WikiLeaks wall station (SSL encryption agent by the German Privacy
> Foundation) http://TinyURL.com/Wleaks2 <http://tinyurl.com/Wleaks2>
> HOWTO open microblogging in the wall with her mad that he or it
> sensitive to the G point in whispers http://TinyURL.com/FXCN001<http://tinyurl.com/FXCN001>
> HOWTO storage potential of crab stocks Posts full page in the wall and
> continue irrigation http://TinyURL.com/FXCN002<http://tinyurl.com/FXCN002>
> HOWTO upload and sensitive to the G point of view a page or file
> distributed in the Tahoe-LAFS encrypted storage server
> 1. Login http://pubgrid.tahoe-lafs.org
> 2. Click the Create a directory (create a file folder)
> 3. In the future if you want to change or rename this file to any
> folder or bookmark files can be recorded copy and paste the address
> bar of your browser's Web site
> 4. Click the Browse ...
> 5. Select the page or file to upload
> 6. Click Upload
> 7. Click the bottom of the page or file Filename Links | If you want
> to share an entire folder all the files you click on Read-Only Version
> 8. Copy and paste the URL browser's address bar him or her to share it
> HOWTO use the I2P proxy server within the network and browse the
> sensitive post text to G point
> 1. Login without SSL encryption or SSL encryption LodgeIt LodgeIt
> 2. Copy the text to be posted
> 3. Paste the space in the middle
> 4. Click the blank space below the Paste!
> 5. Click below raw Paste Details
> 6. Copy and paste the URL browser's address bar him or her to share it
> HOWTO join the IRC Web Chat Freenode
> 1. Login page without SSL encryption or SSL encrypted chat rooms, web chat
> rooms
> 2. Fill in the blank space on the right Nickname never registered or
> registered ID ID
> 3. Freenode has been registered and would like to ID the person
> appeared to be VGH Auth to services and enter ID in the Username enter
> the password in the Password
> 4. Fill in the blank space left in the Reload the top display of English
> words
> 5. Click Connect
> HOWTO use the IRC web chat rooms Freenode
> xxx password yyy refers to refer to refer to the user ID zzz chat room
> ID x at x.com refer-mail
> a. to register a new ID (if within 60 days of action without any
> confirmation ID ID will automatically be frozen until the title was
> the original user reiterated until the application for the transfer or
> other users)
> 1. In the dialog bar, type / ns register xxx x at x.com
> 2. Go to the mailbox to find a confirmation letter from the Freenode
> sent a complete copy paper, similar to / msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER
> yyy abcdefghijkl instructions
> 3. Paste and type in the dialog bar
> 4. Do not want to open the mailbox, type / ns set hidemail on
> b. to confirm the ID in a chat room, type / ns identify xxx
> c. want to join another chat room, type / j # zzz
> d. want to register a new chat room, type / cs register # zzz xxx
> e. want the program to guard the chat room, type / cs set # zzz guard on
> f. want to get the chat room administrative privileges, type / cs op # zzz
> yyy
> g. To view information on the chat room, type / cs info # zzz
> h. To view the management of the chat room, type / cs access # zzz list
> i. want to improve a management ID to the chat room, type / cs access
> # zzz add yyy 2 | the last digit to decide in accordance with the
> existing management hierarchy can be greater than 1
> j. The management would like to remove from a chat room ID, type / cs
> access # zzz del yyy
> k. To see what chat rooms have administrative privileges, type / ns
> listchans
> l. To view other user's command, type / ns help | more information
> about the user's command description
> m. To see other related chat room, type the command / cs help | more
> command description about the chat room
> HOWTO upload and view videos sensitive to G point
> 1. In the Viddler video up a total of not more than 500M 2G single account
> HOWTO edit a common translation or sensitive documents to the G point
> 1. Create a new PiratePad
> This article by the Pirate Party of China and East Asia, a spokesman
> for the Animal Liberation Front press office provided @ xDD0Sx
> """


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