[tahoe-dev] Help adjusting buildbot after upgrade?

Kyle Markley kyle at arbyte.us
Wed Nov 10 07:04:48 UTC 2010

 Zooko et al,

 My system is back up after upgrading the OS from OpenBSD 4.6 to 4.8.  
 I've more-or-less gotten the buildslaves running again, but I could use 
 some help there.

 (A) My buildslave name contains 'openbsd46'; I feel like this should be 
 updated, but I'm nervous about breaking something.  How is this done 

 (B) There are some errors running the build and I suspect they're 
 related to installation snafus and missing packages.  I'd appreciate 
 some guidance here on what exactly is wrong.

 It's worth mentioning that I had a "fun" upgrade.  I made a mistake and 
 inadvertently blew away my /home partition.  (I naively thought that 
 telling the installer which partition would become /home did *not* imply 
 that I wanted the partition to be formatted during the install!)  I'm 
 restoring my data from a tahoe backup right now, courtesy the undamaged 
 portion of my grid.

 The only thing really bothering me right now is tahoe's behavior with 
 symlinks.  It skips them.  I didn't have any kind of separate symlink 
 backup, so I've lost them all.  That's a drag, because I had some pretty 
 labor-intensive piles of symlinks.  I wish tahoe would cover symlinks by 
 recording the link (not the file pointed to) instead of skipping it.

 Also, as an FYI, when doing a fresh install of tahoe (1.8.0) on this 
 otherwise-clean system, I noticed that "python setup.py install" 
 installed only tahoe itself.  It did not install any dependencies, and 
 it did not fail because the dependencies were absent.  I had to install 
 all of the dependencies manually.  Of course "python setup.py build" 
 fetched and built the dependencies, but I couldn't figure out how to 
 install them from the source tree to /usr/local/lib.  When I first 
 started tinkering with tahoe a few versions ago, the install would also 
 ensure the dependencies were installed.  If this is all fixed in 1.8.1, 
 ignore this complaint.

 Kyle Markley

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