[tahoe-dev] status of v1.8.1 -- please adopt an operating system

Zooko O'Whielacronx zooko at zooko.com
Mon Nov 15 04:49:21 UTC 2010

On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 5:53 PM, Greg Troxel <gdt at ir.bbn.com> wrote:
> So obviously I've adopted pkgsrc.  Anyone on a pkgsrc system can just
> install tahoe-lafs and all dependenicies very easily.  Thus I am not
> super inclined to put up binaries.  If there's anyone using pkgsrc for
> tahoe and having trouble, please ask for help.

Thank you for packaging Tahoe-LAFS in pkgsrc!

For those who don't already know this, we maintain a page about these
"operating system / packaging system" ports here:


The pkgsrc row looks good to me -- it has the most recent stable
release of Tahoe-LAFS (v1.8.0), a link to a Tahoe-LAFS buildslave
which tests Tahoe-LAFS trunk on NetBSD whenever any new patch is
committed, and it has your name as responsible for the pkgsrc port.
The only improvements I could think of would be making your name a
mailto: hyperlink (or spelling out your email address in obfuscated
form) and providing a hyperlink to a publicly visible "continuous
integration" server where people can see the output of pkgsrc builds
and the output of the Tahoe-LAFS unit tests after Tahoe-LAFS is built
by pkgsrc.

(I guess such a publicly visible continuous integration server for
pkgsrc doesn't exist yet.)

> Could people glance over the following versions of dependencies?  Is
> anything seriously out of date and in need of updating in pkgsrc?

I guess they are all already sufficiently new versions according to
(or else require_auto_deps() would raise a fatal exception at run

These ones are actually unnecessary for Tahoe-LAFS, but they don't hurt:

> py26-zbase32-1.1.2
> py26-argparse-1.1
> py26-darcsver-1.5.1nb1
> py26-pyutil-1.7.9



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