[tahoe-dev] Dependency trouble for 1.8.0 upgrade on Win7-64

Kyle Markley kyle at arbyte.us
Mon Oct 4 04:59:41 UTC 2010

On Sun, 3 Oct 2010 01:11:06 -0600, "Zooko O'Whielacronx" <zooko at zooko.com>
> On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 12:22 AM, Kyle Markley <kyle at arbyte.us> wrote:
>> So, what brings my run-time dependencies up-to-date?
>> I hope I'm not supposed to do that manually.
> I'm afraid so. You could accomplish this by removing the too-old
> pycryptopp or by installing a new one.

I couldn't get the new pycryptopp to link when I built it stand-alone
(sorry; no details on this yet) but it linked okay as part of the tahoe
build, so I installed that egg and everything was fine.

Unfortunately for understanding the strange things I saw, I finished
getting all my systems upgraded and have cleaned up all the old bits, so
I'm no longer equipped to reproduce the odd behaviors.

>> For reasons unknown to me, I'm seeing that when I start my tahoe node
>> it's
>> coming up as 1.7.1 on the web status page even though I can run
>> tahoe.pyscript --version and get 1.8.0 with pycryptopp: 0.5.19-r704.
>> Shouldn't that be impossible because 1.8.0 requires 0.5.20?
> Yes. That is pretty confusing. Are you sure that's what happened?

I wish now I had copied and pasted the exact output, but yes, that's
really what I saw.  In the end the only way I was able to get my node to
come up as 1.8.0 was to delete 1.7.1 and all the files from 1.7.1 in
\python26\scripts\.  I had to make it impossible to load 1.7.1 in order to
load 1.8.0.

Kyle Markley

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