[tahoe-dev] Two nodes can't see each other

Greg Troxel gdt at ir.bbn.com
Thu Oct 21 11:10:42 UTC 2010

Shu Lin <linshu at gmail.com> writes:

> I have been running my own introducer and two server nodes. But these two
> nodes can't see each other running although they are both running and
> connected to the introducer. Also, the directories created on these two
> nodes are totally separated. Is there any configuration I missed for these
> two nodes seeing each other in one grid?
> Why I don't have this problem while I use public grid? I can see all other
> nodes running and other's directories.

Run "netstat -f inet" or the equivalent on linux and see if they are
trying to connect to each other.  75% odds the right advice is to fix
your broken firewall :-)
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