[tahoe-dev] [tahoe-lafs] #1173: cancelled downloads are marked incorrectly on the Recent Uploads/Downloads page

tahoe-lafs trac at tahoe-lafs.org
Sun Oct 24 19:09:45 UTC 2010

#1173: cancelled downloads are marked incorrectly on the Recent Uploads/Downloads
     Reporter:  zooko              |       Owner:                                                       
         Type:  defect             |      Status:  new                                                  
     Priority:  major              |   Milestone:  1.8.1                                                
    Component:  code-frontend-web  |     Version:  1.8β                                                 
   Resolution:                     |    Keywords:  immutable download wui unfinished-business regression
Launchpad Bug:                     |  

Comment (by kevan):

 I couldn't reproduce either of these issues on a fresh checkout of trunk.

 When I cancel a download (either by stopping it, if I've downloaded it
 after using Firefox to access the WUI, or by stopping the curl process, if
 I've used curl, though I don't see why there should be a difference
 between the two), I see "Failed (output stopped)" as its status on the
 status page, and its completeness percentage reflects the amount of data
 that it had downloaded when I stopped it. This seems like expected
 behavior to me; at least, it is what I expected to see.

 If I try to download part of a file (using, e.g., {{{curl --range
 10-10000000}}}) and then stop the download before it can finish, I don't
 see anything at all about it on the status page. If I let the request
 complete, I ''still'' don't see anything about it on the status page.
 Weird, arguably buggy behavior, but not what Zooko observed.

 Zooko: Can you reproduce these problems? If so, what am I doing wrong to
 not be able to reproduce them?

Ticket URL: <http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/1173#comment:6>
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