[tahoe-dev] Where the lines are...

David-Sarah Hopwood david-sarah at jacaranda.org
Sun Oct 31 02:09:56 UTC 2010

On 2010-10-31 01:50, Ted Rolle Jr. wrote:
> I was examining the Tahoe-LAFS Network Topology diagram at
> http://tahoe-lafs.org/source/tahoe-lafs/trunk/docs/about.html
> The red lines include the Tahoe-LAFS client (web browser, for example, on a
> local machine), HTTP(S) server (local? remote??, or can be either???), and
> the Tahoe-LAFS storage client. Is the Tahoe-LAFS storage client on the
> local machine?  It appears to be since it's in the same red box as the
> HTTP(S) server.

Yes, it runs in the same process as the HTTP(S) server.

> Then the Tahoe code that we download and run performs the
> storage client function?

The Tahoe-LAFS code includes the code that implements a node (which acts
either as a storage server or a gateway or both, or as an introducer),
and the 'tahoe' command-line tool (which is used to start/stop nodes and
as a Tahoe-LAFS client).

> If this is the case, then _nothing_ goes out over the net unless it's
> encrypted.  This is the best way.


> How does the HTTP(S) server connect to the storage client?

They're in the same Python process.

> Is it possible for Tahoe-LAFS to be a mounted directory?  I'm taking this
> from the Windows virtual drive concept.

Yes, the easiest way to do this on a Unix platform is to use SFTP and
sshfs (see docs/frontends/FTP-and-SFTP.txt, and

David-Sarah Hopwood  ⚥  http://davidsarah.livejournal.com

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