[tahoe-dev] help! how do I manage dependencies on JavaScript code?

Paul Hummer paul at eventuallyanyway.com
Fri Sep 3 14:31:04 UTC 2010

On Thu, 2 Sep 2010 22:37:27 -0600
"Zooko O'Whielacronx" <zooko at zooko.com> wrote:

> I actually agree with Kevin that visualization is very important. But,
> I've realized that was a mistake to be try to squeeze a big new
> feature in at this stage of the 1.8 process. We had to commit some
> significant changes to download logic after 1.8.0c2 because that was
> the only way to fix a performance regression, but now we're going to
> concentrate on fixing known bugs and hunting for unknown bugs until
> 1.8.0 final.
> As soon as 1.8.0 final is out we will turn to the very cool patches
> waiting to be merged into trunk: Brian's New Visualizer (which is the
> topic of this thread), Kevan's MDMF (GSoC), Faruq's multi-introducer
> (GSoC), *maybe* some of Yu Xue's advanced cryptography (GSoC) (if Yu
> Xue or someone writes some more code to integrate it into Tahoe-LAFS
> capabilities).
> We have a half-baked idea of how to solve the JavaScript dependencies
> problem by making the visualizer code be a Secure Decentralized Cloud
> App. :-) Commit Brian's patches to Tahoe-LAFS which cause it to emit
> its download status report in JSON, but don't commit any of the actual
> JS visualization code nor jQuery nor protovis to Tahoe-LAFS. Then
> upload jQuery, protovis, and the visualizer code into the grid itself
> and link to it so that the user sees it whenever they look at the
> status page. Something like that. :-)

That's kind of crazy, but it might work for me.  I was actually thinking
that, as a packager for Ubuntu, I'd make an entirely different package
for the stat code, with its own dependencies, etc.  If you expose it as
a webservice (with JSON or something), the stats app can be entirely
different, and so can be opted into.

Paul Hummer

"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has
gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves."
-Ronald Reagan

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