[tahoe-dev] Experimenting with SHA-3 candidates in Tahoe-LAFS

David-Sarah Hopwood david-sarah at jacaranda.org
Fri Sep 24 19:00:13 UTC 2010

Pål Ruud wrote:
> Hi Zooko (and other Tahoe-devs),
> with reference to the email with similar subject dated 11. Mar 2010 from Danilo,
> we have started on our project to try out the 14 remaining candidates of the
> SHA-3 competition with Tahoe-LAFS. In this matter, we have several questions we
> hope to get an answer to.
> All of the candidates comes with (optimized) C implementations, so we have
> started making Python bindings for these.
> Our knowledge of Tahoe-LAFS is at the moment rather limited, as we have just
> read what we can find in the docs/ [0] and skimmed through some of the source
> code.
> Do you think it would be sufficient to do the following?
> # util/hashutil.py
> # from pycryptopp.hash.sha256 import SHA256
> from sha3 import BlueMidnightWish as SHA256
> This seems to work for immutable files, but not for mutable files (e.g.
> directories), because one of the tests fails (with an
> «UncoordinatedWriteError \x0a»). We are looking in to this.

Please open a ticket on the trac giving more detail of the error. We'll need
to allow multiple hashes anyway, in order to support the '100 year crypto'

David-Sarah Hopwood  ⚥  http://davidsarah.livejournal.com

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