[tahoe-dev] warning: Boing-Boinging imminent

Greg Troxel gdt at ir.bbn.com
Wed Sep 29 19:58:18 UTC 2010

[dropping list on purpose]

  Last time I checked there were two servers on the Test Grid that had
  latencies > 1 second for every request. They were the ones named
  "sunpal" and "linuxpal". Yep, I see that they are still connected:

Those are mine.  it seems odd that they have long latencies.  They are
running the same code as ahi and claude (also mine), but ahi is a 1998
thinkpad and claude is a vm.  linuxpal is a single-core 2+GHz i386 and
sunpal7 is a sparc ultra5.  all run netbsd-5 expect ahi runs netbsd-4.

on linuxpal:

tahoes   4671  0.0  2.0  80940  41060 ttyp1- Il   27Jul10 294:17.66 /usr/pkg/bi
n/python2.6 /usr/home/gdt/SOFTWARE/TAHOE/allmydata-tahoe-1.7.1/support/bin/tahoe run 

I am restarting it; perhaps nuking some big shares with rm out from
under the daemon has messed it up.

will reply on list also
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