[tahoe-dev] buildslave operators: need to reconfigure your slaves

David Van Duzer dvd at tennica.net
Fri Nov 4 05:03:06 UTC 2011

There are known SSL problems, but it is still unclear whether it's the introduction of the SSL protocol or whether there is controversy over the CA provider signing the new SSL certificate.  More data is certainly helpful.


On Nov 3, 2011, at 10:50 PM, Kyle Markley <kyle at arbyte.us> wrote:

> Brian,
> After updating the buildbot.tac files for my buildslaves, I get an error during checkout:
> https://tahoe-lafs.org/buildbot-zfec/builders/Kyle%20OpenBSD-amd64/builds/42
> darcs failed: Not a repository: http://tahoe-lafs.org/source/zfec/trunk (Failed to download URL http://tahoe-lafs.org/source/zfec/trunk/_darcs/inventory: Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates)
> This isn't necessarily related to the migration (my previous zfec build was in August!) but I would like to get it fixed.
> On 11/01/11 17:49, Brian Warner wrote:
>> As the last step of the migration to new tahoe-lafs.org servers, we
>> finally shut down the old boxes. Unfortunately, I forgot that most of
>> our buildslaves are connecting through the old address (via a TCP
>> relay), and now they've gone offline.
>> If you run a Tahoe buildslave, could you please edit your buildbot.tac
>> and modify the "buildmaster_host=" setting to use
>> "buildmaster.tahoe-lafs.org", then run "buildbot restart DIR" to bounce
>> your buildslave?
>> The slaves that fell offline are:
>>  Eugen lenny-amd64 ""
>>  lucid-amd64 "fieldcircus"
>>  Ruben Fedora "buildbot.rubenkerkhof.com"
>>  Arthur lenny c7 32bit
>>  Randy FreeBSD-amd64 "freebsd.psg"
>>  Kyle OpenBSD amd64 "starfish"
>>  MM netbsd5 i386 "warp"
>>  Francois lenny "francois-ts109-armv5tel"
>>  freestorm-centos5-i386
>>  freestorm-winxp
>> thanks everyone!
>>  -Brian
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> -- 
> Kyle Markley
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