[tahoe-dev] Summit Day 2 report is posted

Brian Warner warner at lothar.com
Thu Nov 10 19:10:38 UTC 2011

My quick report on the second day of the Summit is up:


Please edit/fix/improve it: I was at work for much of the time, so 
please add all the things that I missed!

And if you were following along on video, please add your name as a 
virtual attendee, so we have a feel for how large the audience is.

We've got 5 hours of video (1GB) for the day recorded. It's in in .flv 
with a weird codec, so we need to get it transcoded before it'll be 
useful to anyone. Marlowe and I are working on it. We'll add the link to 
the Day 2 Report page when it's ready.


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