[tahoe-dev] 1.9.0 tarball broken

Zooko O'Whielacronx zooko at zooko.com
Mon Nov 14 01:01:07 UTC 2011

On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 5:16 PM, David-Sarah Hopwood
<david-sarah at jacaranda.org> wrote:
>> No, if it is a bug, it is a bug in distutils.
> I don't make a strong distinction between setuptools and distutils, because setuptools heavily patches distutils without attempting to maintain any modular separation between them. It's just easier to say "setuptools" than "setuptools plus distutils as patched by setuptools".

Well, the reason to make the distinction is that if we stopped using
setuptools, as per Brian's "unsuck" branch, or if we switched to a
different tool, such as distribute, pip, distutils2, paver, or
whatever (note: some of those tools may be different types of thing),
then that'd probably not change this particular behavior.



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