[tahoe-dev] 回复: Re: how to run the tahoe-lafs in another computer without internet?

Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn zooko at zooko.com
Wed Apr 4 05:04:13 UTC 2012

> setuptools.archive_util.UnrecognizedFormat: Not a recognized archive type: /home/zhan/allmydata-tahoe-1.9.1-SUMO/tahoe-deps/Twisted-11.0.0.tar.bz2

I don't know what is causing this. Please use md5sum or sha256sum and
post the hash of that file to be sure it hasn't been truncated or
corrupted on your system. On my system, the hashes are:

$ md5sum Twisted-11.0.0.tar.bz2
d7f94a1609a1b8f3b8c8d0146d4cfe54  Twisted-11.0.0.tar.bz2
$ sha256sum Twisted-11.0.0.tar.bz2

Next, please try unpacking it using your "tar" executable, like this:

$ tar xjf Twisted-11.0.0.tar.bz2

Next, please try repacking it in gzip compression instead of bzip2
compression, like this:

$ tar czf Twisted-11.0.0.tar.gz Twisted-11.0.0

Then move the original one out of the way, like this:

$ mv Twisted-11.0.0.tar.bz2 /var/tmp/

And remove the unpacked copy, like this:

$ rm -rf Twisted-11.0.0

And see if the build works. Whether or not this fixes your build, if
the hashes match the ones that I posted above, then please help us
figure out why your system gives the error "Not a recognized archive



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